Saturday 11 February 2012

Dodge and Burn.

Because I'm going to be working in Black and White for my project I wanted to look at the Dodge and Burn tool in Photoshop a little closer as it can help me more then anything else with my work in this style. Luckily for me there's plenty of websites out there that can help me to understand how to get the best out of these tools and below are the ones I found most useful.

The majority of stuff you can read on these sites is pretty similar but still its good to have more then one source to refer to when trying out a tool that you haven't used alot before, you may disagree but this is how I find it best to work. When experimenting with the dodge/burn tool I found it quiet easy to get to grips with an in fact its more useful then you think especially with black and white images because it allows you to easily correct exposure issues you might have had trouble with at the time of shooting, for example with some of the images I tried it out on I could lighten or darken the shadows without effecting the rest of the shot. Great tool I definitely be using in the future.

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