Thursday, 24 May 2012

Presenting My Major Project.

Now I've reach the point where I'm ready to get my Major Project ready for assessment I need to present it in a way which gets the best out of the work and to do this I've decided to use the Blurb website ( to create a book. I used this site to present my last course (although I wasn't happy with how some of the colours appear this shouldn't be an issue this time) because it gives you such great creative control while produce a very professional end product. Over the years I've tried a number of different ways of bring my work together for assessment but I find when producing a book if done right it can be the most rewarding because it can help you see you're work in a different light especially with this course for example because you have to make design decisions regarding which sections work best together and which photos sit well together on opposite pages. One of my favorite parts of creating a book is picking what to put on the front cover, a cover should convey a message about what you're going to find within the pages so it's a very important decision which you just can't rush, get this wrong and it really effects the presentation of your work. For this book I'm going with the photo below-

This is part of a mural created by the local art group and I think in one image it says quiet a lot about the diversity in the landscape and wildlife in the area but also I like the representation of the church and the names of place's in the village. Its one of them things that you notice something different each time you look at it, you might feel its a bit busy looking for a cover shot because some argue that a cover should be simple and to the point but in this case I feel that it gets you view interested enough that they want to open up the book and see what follows.

Now the real fun begins in picking what order the sections should appear in, when I do this I tend to look for way in which two section can reinforces the ideas of each other so to help the intended view gain a greater understanding of the subjects. This at least is the general idea I try to follow, I wouldn't say it always work best in this manner but for this book I felt it was the best approach to take. So following this way of presenting my work the first section I wanted the viewer to see was The Village, this gives a basic view of Yoxall and the surrounding landscape then when you add the next section People to it together you get an idea of the place and the people living here. The next two sections Agriculture and The National Forest focus on land use around the village giving a better insight into the surrounding landscape, then the final two sections River and Abandoned focus on how local and more broader issues are effecting the local area. All together the final results can be see below.

1 comment:

  1. I think this has come together very well, and the front cover image does as you say pull lots of the themes together. I am sure you are pleased with what you've achieved - best of luck with the assessment!
