Sunday, 6 May 2012

Final Selection For Major Project.

After much thought I'm displaying here my final selection of work for my Major Project, I've broken it down into the individual sections with a brief description of what each part depicts.

The Village.

With this section I tried to stay away from the more traditional photo's you see of  villages, I'm taking about the kind of chocolate box stuff you see a lot of if you have a search around on any photo site. What I've ended up with gives a slightly different view of a village but equally creates enough interest that you want to see more.


With anywhere be it a City, Town or Village it's the people who live there that will effect and shape the place so what I have here is a depiction of what we as residents make of Yoxall.


Yoxall being a rural community means that it's Agriculture landscape forms much of it's character, it has it's issues in this area but where can you live that does have hidden problems. 

The National Forest.

The National Forest Project offers a life line to farmers in the area who wish to reduce their holding but at the same time increase their income. In this section I've shown how this is changing the landscape, making it more diverse in many areas, some for the better other maybe for the worse.

The River.

Another factor to what shapes the landscape in and around Yoxall is the River Swarbourne flowing through on it's way to the Trent. Again there are issues with it's up keep and the problems this produces.


You could take multiple meaning's from this final section but the main aim for me was to show how hard economic times are effecting the area and how we are losing so much.


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