Tuesday 13 September 2011

Major Project Proposal.

   Right its time to set out what I'm planning for my Major Project, you think this would be pretty straight forward but finding a subject that you can then break down into 6 parts just isn't (well for me it wasn't anyway). The main problem i found was coming up with something that would allow me to be creative while also holding my interest as i can sometimes find myself being easily distracted, also as it makes up the bulk of the course i really need something that i felt i could do justice to and with work and winter approaching there's the consideration of time too. For these reasons I've chosen to base my project around the village that i live in.
   So you may be asking view pick this particular subject? Well quiet simple to begin with it was the fact that it was some think that wouldn't involve alot of travelling which at this time of year would mean i could maximise the amount of daylight working time that is available but then when i sat back and thought about what i could do it seem to make more and more sense. For one i already have a real good understanding of the lay of the land as you might say because I've lived here pretty much all my life and i know pretty much every nuck and cranny in the place but surprisingly it isn't somewhere that I've actually done alot of photography, secondly it gives me the opportunity to do quiet a bit of landscape photography which is where my heart lies. To be honest where i live in Staffordshire its no Lake District but in away this makes it just as interesting if not more because i have the chance to show what a village is like in the times we live in.
   Next i should explain how I'm going to split my project up under the following 6 sections:-

  1. During The Day- as the title say quiet simple looking at the village during the daytime, capturing landmarks, landscapes village scenes that make the place what it is.
  2. At Night- looking at how the change in light effects the feel/look of the place.
  3. People- like anywhere the people that live and work here give the village as much character as any of the buildings or landscapes.
  4. Village In Decline- here i plan to look at how the economic situation is effecting the village.
  5. Agriculture- looking at how agriculture shapes the landscape of the area.
  6. The National Forest- looking at how the growth of the National Forest scheme has changed the surrounding landscape.
For each section i plan to produce between 4-6 images.
   As you can see there's some real scope to what i plan to look at but it also gives me alot of research to do because I'm going to have to focus on two styles of photography in Landscape and Social Documentary, the landscape side clearly I'm looking forward to but on the other hand the social documentary side isn't something that I've ever approach before and probably isn't something that I'm that comfortable doing. To get round this problem i just keep telling myself that if i want to be a more rounded photographer then its all part of the learning process.

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