Monday 3 October 2011

Assignment 1 Alterations.

After sending my work away for my first assignment my tutor recommended a few changes that could improve my work so far, these i've taken on board and have attempt to make the changes such as firstly altering the font style of my blog. For me i found it easy to read but of course all people are different so i've gone for a much more normal and straight forward one which i think still gives it a distinct look but is clearly easier for others to read. Next she recommended presenting my Theoretical Studies as Word documents because again this would make them easier to read through. This did create a small problem because i couldn't find away with Blogger to actually put a word document onto it ( a little bit strange i know but if anyone has any ideas how you can do this i'd love to know). In the end i've got round the problem by using Google Docs and then placing the links to the files below, i can see they look better for this just hope this way of presenting them is all right by my tutor.
The final thing that she asked was that i expanded on my study on Pictorialism which i've attempted to do.


Theoretical Study On Pictorialism
Theoretical Study On New Objectivity
Theoretical Study On Straight Photography

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