Below are a few more images for my section focusing on the local River.

Tech. Details
F-stops- f/8
Expo- 160sec
ISO- 500
Expo Bias- 0 steps
Focal Length- 55mm
This photo again focuses on a problem area on the river where you can see how tree roots in the water get coated in a gunge that slowly builds up coursing blockages to form. What actually produces this build up I don't really know but my theory (probably wrong) is that there's the local sewage works located on the banks of the river and it could be produced from run off from there. Its a good image, again it's a little abstract but it doesn't really work that well for me.
Tech Details
F-stop- f/11
Expo- 800sec
ISO- 1000
Expo Bias- 0 steps
Focal Length- 300mm
I've looked at how messed up parts of the river are but what I also wanted to show was it isn't all bad new, on the section that runs through the actual village there's still plenty of life present and in the above and below shot's I've tried to capture this. In the above image I capture a Moorhen and its chick, not as easy as you think as there easily scared so it was more a case of sitting very still and waiting to see what came along. Its not the best wildlife shot I've ever taken but it capture the idea well, in a ideal world I would've loved to get a lot closer but this just wasn't going to be possible.
Tech. Details
F-stops- f/5.6
Expo- 400sec
ISO- 1000
Expo. Bias- 0 steps
Focal Length- 300mm
I stood for a while watching the fish swimming around in the shadows near one of the bridges that cross the river when I noticed this one fish that was very interested in a fly that had landed on the water, as fast as I could I set my self up for the shot you see above which isn't half bad but there are a couple of issues I have with it. First in my haste I didn't quiet get my focus right so unfortunately the fly is in focus but the fish below the water is just a little out. My final problem is that maybe it would have been better if I'd actually captured it striking out to catch the fly. Its not perfect but it's not bad I suppose for the hast I composed and took it in.
Tech. Details
F-stops- f/32
Expo- 13 sec
ISO- 400
Expo. Bias- 0 steps
Focal Length- 85mm
I wanted a good reflection shot but with something a little different about it, here with the added rain drops covering the scene I think I found it. The only problem I have with the end results is that again I've struggled to get the focus right, yes I've captured the reflection well but I also wanted the patterns formed by the rain drops to also be in focus which sadly on closer inspection it just isn't. This seems to be an area where I could do with some more practice at this stage because I don't seem to be able to find the happy medium with the focus in these kind of shots.
The photos that follow are ones taken and added after reflecting on Tutors comments for my 5th Assignment.
Tech. Details
F-stops- f/9
Expo- 200sec
ISO- 640
Expo Bias- 0 steps
Focal Length- 22mm
With this photo I wanted to focus on the bank erosion, what I think this image does well is that it clear shows the degradation of the bank but it also gives insight into one of the reasons for this problem with the clear footprints left by cattle in the forground.
Tech. Details
F-stops- f/8
Expo- 200secs
ISO- 640
Expo Bias- 0 steps
Focal Length- 24mm
I think this is one of the better photos illustrating the problems along the river because in it I've capture two of the main factors in the erosion and lack of up keep of the banks and at this time of year especially the clogging up of the river with fresh reed growth. Its a good image for these reasons but also with the reeds in the river being flatten in flow of the water it also gives a sense of movement without the use of a long exposure.
Tech. Details
F-stops- f/10
Expo- 200secs
ISO- 640
Expo Bias- 0 steps
Focal Length- 37mm
Here I simply wanted to focus on the reeds that grow and block the river during the summer month increasing the risk of flooding, again as above I feel there's a sense of movement created by the direction the reed is being forced in but also I liked the added reflections giving another layer of depth to the shot.
Tech. Details
F-stops- f/7.1
Expo- 160sec
ISO- 640
Expo Bias- 0 steps
Focal Length- 18mm
Above I wanted to illustrate how the village being so close to the river can produce issues, here you can clearly see that the flood plain of the Swarbourne has greatly been reduced by the fact that development has been aloud to take place on it. The majority of this has happen in the past 50 years or so when less concern to these kind of problems were ever given but now we have to live with the problems created.